Have an idea for a great value in Key West that we should check out? Please let me know. Include the name of the business and a brief description of your experience. Please include the date of your most recent visit. Once we check it out we'll add it to KeyWestCheap.com
Remember, it's not just a business that we are looking to highlight, it is a specific deal that offers an exceptional value for the money. If you visit a restaurant for example, we want to highlight items on the menu that were an exceptionally good deal. Perhaps they have a great Happy Hour? Perhaps there was one dish that was offered and you said, "wow, I've paid more, but it didn't taste as good..." Something like that.
If you book either of the Sebago's Power Adventure or Island T'Ing, they will include a free sunset sail.
Posted by: Pjk | 08/23/2011 at 12:13 PM