Key West Cheap "Chic" is all about saving money and spending it wisely.
These 2 cards first appeared last year and have proven very successful. Check out the Key West bars and Key West restaurants below. If you like what you see, these cards are a great "Key West Cheap" chic deal. Especially if you're planning a trip for 3 or more days.
"Key West Bar Card" and "Key West Restaurant Card"
Here's a deal: The Key West Bar Card and Key West Restaurant Card. They each cost $20. One card per person. These cards may pay for themselves the very first day you use them.
The Key West Bar Card offers 2 for 1 drinks at several local bars such as Schooner Wharf, The Bottle Cap, Pier House Beach Bar and Grille, Pier House Wine Galley,Roof Top Cafe, Ibis Bay Waterfront Resort, 801 Bourbon Bar, Aqua Key West, Hogs Breath Saloon, Guy Harvey's Island Grill, Pearl's Patio and %10 off at Conch Republic Liquors. Here are the other Key West Bar Card rules.
The Key West Restaurant Card offers a 10% discount at several excellent Key West restaurants. These include HarbourView Cafe at the Pier House, Hogfish Bar and Grill, Louie's Upper Deck, Santiago's Bodega, Croissants de France, Roof Top Cafe, The Flaming Buoy Filet Co., Martin's, Mangia Mangia Pasta Cafe, D.J. Clam Shack and Bobalu's. One card per person. Here are the other Key West Restaurant Card rules.
An added bonus is that these cards donate 10% of proceeds to local charities. As of January 2011 this totaled just over $5000 to date, this is the 2nd year the cards have been offered. Key West Cheap "chic" never felt so good!
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